Anxiety Disorders
The most common of mental disorders, anxiety disorders affect over a quarter of the population at some point in their lives. These invasive thoughts are not something you have to simply "deal" with.
Treatment helps most people affected live normal, productive lives. If you're curious about the process to begin with RISE, head over to our Getting Started page.

What is Anxiety?
Occasional anxiety, like worrying about things such as health, work, or family problems, is a normal part of life. When the anxiety is pervasive, interfering with daily activities, it's possibly morphed into an anxiety disorder.
Constant anxiety can be crippling. Even though it's often a difficult first step, seeking assistance can help you get back to your normal daily life.
RISE Counseling & Consulting clinicians treat anxiety disorders including:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Panic Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Separation Anxiety
Social Anxiety Disorder
Types of Anxiety Disorders
This list below is an overview of the more common anxiety disorders that RISE clinicians are able to assist with. For more information on anxiety disorders, refer to the National Institute of Mental Health.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder
People with generalized anxiety disorder experience frequent anxiety for months, if not years. This anxiety can interfere with daily life and make everyday responsibilities more difficult.
​Common symptoms include:
Persistent feeling of anxiety or dread
Feeling restless or wound up
Being easily fatigued
Struggling to concentrate
Being irritable
Having headaches, muscle aches, stomachaches, or unexplained pains
Difficulty controlling feelings of worry
Sleep issues such as difficulty falling or staying asleep

Panic Disorder
Frequent and unexpected panic attacks are the hallmark of panic disorder, but not everyone who experiences panic attacks will develop the disorder. Panic attacks are sudden periods of intense fear, discomfort, or sense of losing control - even when there may not be a clear trigger or danger.
It's not uncommon for those afflicted to actively prevent future panic attacks by avoiding places, situations, or behaviors they associate with them. Panic attacks can occur as frequently as multiple times a day, or as rarely as a few times a year.
Symptoms during a panic attack can include:
Pounding/racing heart or chest pain
Trembling, numbness, or tingling
Shortness of breath
Feeling dizzy or light-headed
Chills or hot flashes
Feelings of losing control
Fear of dying

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder causes unfounded thoughts, fears, or worries, called obsessions, which can't be reasoned away. An individual with OCD tries to manage these thoughts through rituals.
Common obsessions include:
Strong fixation on dirt or germs
Repeated doubts
Need to have things in specific order
Concern with symmetry
Thoughts about violence
Fixation on touching things or counting
Thoughts that may go against personal religious beliefs
OCD is diagnosed during a physical and psychiatric exam when obsessions and compulsions take up at least one hour each day, are distressing, and interfere with daily life.

Separation Anxiety
An individual with separation anxiety disorder is excessively fearful or anxious about separation from those with whom they are attached. The feeling goes beyond what is appropriate for one's age and affects both children and adults.
Frequent symptoms include:
Persistent worry about losing the person closest to them
Reluctance to go out or sleep away from that person
Nightmares about separation
Feeling unwell when separation is about to happen

Social Anxiety Disorder
People with social anxiety disorder have an intense fear of social or performance situations. They are afraid of being embarrassed, humiliated, rejected, or looked down on in public interactions. This anxiety causes issues with daily functioning and lasts at least six months.
Social anxiety examples:
Extreme fear of public speaking
Avoidance of meeting new people
Not eating/drinking in public

Opportunities to Learn More
Treatment for Anxiety Disorders
There are many ways to treat anxiety disorders, and the team at RISE Counseling and Consulting can help you find the best course of treatment for your individual disorder. Effective treatment for anxiety disorders often involves a combination of therapy, medication, and self-care strategies.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): helps individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and develop coping skills to manage anxiety.
Medications: that can be prescribed to treat anxiety disorders, helping to alleviate symptoms by regulating brain chemistry.
Self-care: strategies such as regular exercise, healthy eating, adequate sleep, stress management techniques, and avoiding excessive caffeine and alcohol can help manage anxiety symptoms.
Support groups: joining support groups or seeking support from friends and family can provide individuals with anxiety disorders with a sense of community and understanding.