Marinna received her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Kaplan University and her Master of Science in Marriage & Family Therapy from Capella University. She has worked with children since 2011 and has been working in mental & behavioral health since 2015. Marinna has been a therapist since 2020. She is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT).
Marinna provides school-based and virtual counseling services. She primarily works with adolescents 12+ and adults.
Marinna has experience working with trauma, anxiety, depression, and other life adjustments. She specializes in working with children and families who have been involved with DHS. Marinna’s educational background also allows her to provide effective therapy to couples and families.
Marinna can meet with anyone in the State of Iowa virtually, which eliminates barriers of transportation, drive time, inclement weather, and illness. She can also meet with patients in our DeWitt, IA office.
Marinna began her career with RISE in August 2022.
Read more about Marinna on her Psychology Today profile!

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